
Limelight Theatre Closes Out 18th Season with a Winner!

Posted by: Alayna Oram in Uncategorized

Dixie TicketHave you ever noticed how groups of women who have been friends for years and years tend to fall into certain “roles”? Like on Sex in the City, if I said “the smart one” or “the romantic one” you would probably know exactly which characters I was talking about. If you watched The Real Housewives of Orange County, I bet you know which lady is “the ditzy one” and which lady is “the professional one”.  My group of long time girlfriends definitely have our roles within our group too…it is an interesting dynamic to watch.

The reason all of these thoughts popped into my head is because Limelight Theatre’s final play of their 18th season is the Dixie Swim Club. Guess what? It is about five women who became friends in college and who continue to meet each year at the same beach house and share their lives together over the next six decades. Of course, the “roles” ebb and flow through their lives, but for the most part there is the successful one, the sexy one, the tragic one, the caregiving one and the innocent one. Watching how they share and grow and stumble and get back up makes you consider the value of your own friendships and your own identity. Along the way though you laugh quite a bit – and cry just a little too. So grab your group of girlfriends and head to Limelight Theatre this weekend. Because of the show’s huge success during its original run, the Limelight Theatre is offering “held over” performances this Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and this Sunday at 2:00 p.m. After the show, share a glass of wine or two with your friends and try to figure out which “role” you play in your own group! And, if your group is especially interesting just let me know, we may be able to start a Real Housewives of World Golf Village!


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