
Think of the Children!

Posted by: Vanessa Cunningham in Uncategorized

IMG_4370I am very proud to be a member of the Davidson Team in so many ways.  One of those is how we give back to the community, in terms of supporting charitable events such as quarterly blood drives, the St. Francis House, St. Johns Housing Partnership  and March For Babies,  to name a few.  There are many other charities out there, that’s for sure, but those that the Davidson Companies have chosen to support are ones that we feel are the most in need of support.  This year is no exception.  Our agents have worked with and helped many families who have either lost their jobs, their homes are in distress, or they may be facing foreclosure.   It has given us all a very humbling reminder that it could happen to any one of us.  IMG_4364

Now that the weather is getting cooler and November is here, we are beginning to think about the holidays.  More importantly we are thinking about those families whose gatherings, giving and holiday celebrations will be compromised for whatever reasons.    Often times, family hardship has its most impact on the children who deserve a joyous and happy season.

We can all make a difference in the lives of our community children by supporting the annual toy drive of the Sertoma Club. Each year, the Sertoma Club volunteers work tirelessly to collect toys and distribute them to families in St. Johns County.  That’s right – they stay right here in our community. 

The Davidson Companies are now collecting new toys  and cash donations at our offices at World Golf Village through December 15th.  Remember, Christmas parties or events can become charitable by asking your guests to bring a toy.  Every toy makes a difference so please show your support to the children of St. Johns County. 

For more information, contact Vanessa Cunningham at 484-2152 or


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