The holiday season is here! So we thought it’s a wonderful time to kick off a new photo contest for everyone in The Neighborhoods of World Golf Village. Well, everyone who lives here now – and everyone that wants to live here too – can participate!
This time we are leaving the rules wide open. We just want to see holiday photos that show you and your family celebrating the season. So if that is the entire family in matching sweaters gathered around the Christmas tree, great! Or if it is your precious pooch dressed up with antlers and a red nose, wonderful! Maybe you will want to submit that picture of your darling little one pulling Santa’s beard while screaming his head off… Of course, the photos don’t have to embarass everyone in them! Maybe you want to send in your elegant fireplace or your festive outdoor lights. Any and all holiday photos are welcome to enter the contest.
All you have to do is submit them to between now and December 13. We will post them on our Facebook page on the 17th and voting will go on until the 24th. Then we will announce the winner who will receive a $100 gift card to Target…just in time to buy all those last minute gifts. If you want to learn more, call Peyton at 904.940.5000. Happy Holidays everyone!