

Posted by: Rick Pariani in Uncategorized

welcome homeThe Neighborhoods of the World Golf Village is structured as a traditional planned community – without the burden of a Community Development District (CDD) taxing entity. As such, the Neighborhoods have been “turned-over” to the independent Boards of Directors and residents for each Neighborhood.

The process of turn-over – from Davidson Development, Inc. the original Master Developer and their clients, IT Land Associates, LLC and SJ Land Associates, LLC – to the individual Neighborhoods, has its inherent challenges. Issues of common area maintenance, safety, security, financial stability, amenity operation and asset protection are all important activities that must be monitored and managed by the volunteer residents who choose to help lead their Associations.

wgv roadOn all accounts – the transition to the homeowner leadership is on a great path. The Associations have recognized the unique attributes of their community and are making every effort to protect the defining elements of their neighborhoods. A real sense of collective stewardship has emanated. Residents are coming forth, with pride, to look after and care for their investments.

Major neighborhood collector roads, which served the community for the first 13 to 14 years, are being milled and re-surfaced – using monies from the various Home Owner Association (HOA) repair, maintenance and reserve funds. Royal Pines Parkway and WGV Boulevard have both recently been fully renovated and re-surfaced.

irish fencesThe 11 to 12 year old, signature Irish Boundary Fence at the King & Bear, has been replaced with an identical, new version – thus preserving an important design hallmark and identity element of that neighborhood. Proprietary signage elements, territorial boundary markers and entranceway monumentation are all being cleaned, refurbished and repaired – on an as needed basis – as opposed to being side-stepped or removed or replaced with imitation or different design styles. The original Swim & Tennis Center and Neighborhood Athletic Park have both benefitted from some well-thought-out and targeted renovation projects.

swim and tennisMajor areas of landscape and grass decline – due in part to back-to-back, record-breaking cold winters, interspersed with a pair of sizzling, dry summers – have been replaced through a partnership between the common area landscape maintenance provider and some HOA supplemental funding.

Near-term and long-term project enhancements are being planned and scheduled by the HOA’s to insure consistency, protect quality and promote continuity.

Board members and Committee members are being vigilant and proactive in the stewardship of their neighborhoods. Their collective energy and focus will serve the community well for many, many years to come.

It is refreshing to witness the smart efforts of some very proud residents and owners. It demonstrates the lasting benefits of becoming a part of the beautiful Neighborhoods of the World Golf Village.


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