
Resident Spotlight: Jerry Shagam

Posted by: Caryn Best in WGV Residents

PORTRAIT-WEBFor Jerry Shagam, “retired” is a relative term.  The Cascades resident “retired” to World Golf Village with his wife, Lynda, about four-and-a-half years ago from their long-time home in Long Island, NY but his calendar remains as busy as ever.  Jerry credits the abundance of social and recreational opportunities that The Cascades offers for keeping him active but it’s as much to do with Jerry’s outgoing personality and community-oriented spirit.  Jerry Shagam has never slowed down, and if you’re lucky enough to run into him at The Cascades Clubhouse for Tuesday morning coffee, maybe he’ll tell you a joke or his latest fishing story (and maybe even a catching story)!

Why did you choose Cascades?
The Clubhouse was a major factor.  We love that it has all the accoutrements of a top-quality resort.  The location of World Golf Village appealed to us – we have access to leading medical facilities, large business centers, major retailers, top-notch entertainment and the ocean but within our confines we can enjoy solitude and isolation from the outside hubbub.  We also felt comfortable that The Cascades and World Golf Village was well-established; taxes and  HOA dues are reasonable and encompass so much!; and the overall design is homogenous but not cookie-cutter. 

You had a busy career!  Tell us about it.
I have three professional licenses: I’m an attorney; a CPA;  and a real estate broker (primarily for the commercial market). I spent over thirty years specializing in international tax planning for multinational companies and their expatriate employees. My work took me to such countries as  Nigeria, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, and most of Europe; I authored books and articles and lectured in such venues as the Univ. of Hartford Tax Institute and the World Trade Center.

{And your work continues..}.
I maintain a small income tax practice, primarily involving my fellow Cascades neighbors.  I serve as Treasurer of the Cascades Veterans Support Group (which benefits the Lassen State Veterans Nursing Home in St. Augustine), and I serve as the Finance Officer for Flotilla 14-7 of the local Coast Guard Auxiliary. 

What does your typical day look like?
I’m always trying to find more time to do nothing!  I start the day by reading three newspapers over my morning coffee; then catch up on emails and calls; and then it’s time to tackle my “to do” list which always seems too long in a place where so much is done and provided for me!

scan0001Describe your perfect day.
I love to fish, especially saltwater fishing.  So the perfect day would include catching some local fish, smoking the fillets that day and then mixing the smoked fish into a savory salad with mayonnaise and seasoning to be spread on fresh French bread. Then, getting together with the new “Doo-Wop” singing group we recently started here in The Cascades.  My favorite music was and always will be 50’s and 60’s Doo-Wop.  A visit from our two grown children who live in the area and their families and our three grandchildren is always a pleasure, and ending the day with a Gin and Bitter Lemon would pretty much seal the deal.


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