
Business Spotlight: Design Extensions

Posted by: Caryn Best in Business Spotlight

Nease Graduate Jay Owen Builds Successful Web Development & Design Firm

From its headquarters in World Golf Village, Design Extensions has attracted clients throughout North America who seek the firm’s expertise in web design, online marketing and graphic design.  Design Extensions was founded in 1999 by Jay Owen and today its team of five create websites, design logos, produce brochures, plan pay-per-click and other digital campaigns, among other marketing activities for a wide range of clients.  We recently talked with Jay Owen to learn more about his business.

Q: How did Design Extensions get started?

This June will mark 14 years in business for us. I started Design Extensions with a friend while we were juniors at Nease High School — I was only 17 at the time. My friend went off to college and I continued with the business. Since that time, it’s grown year over year and we have clients all over the country. We currently have a team of five along with additional contractors for larger projects.

Q: Why do most clients seek you out?

Most clients come to us by way of referral because they have heard we are very experienced, provide excellent value, and care about our clients.  They want well-designed websites that are intuitive and serve as effective marketing tools.  They also want high quality graphic design that doesn’t break the bank.  They expect good service and good marketing and design counsel.  We deliver.

Will you share some examples of your work?

We love to show our work!  Our online portfolio is the best place to see it: http://designextensions.com/web-design-portfolio.php.  Some of the local work we’ve done that our neighbors here in St. Augustine and Jacksonville would recognize includes the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra www.JaxSymphony.org (we manage their website), and we designed and developed the website for Herbie Wiles Insurance at www.herbiewiles.com.  We also designed the new Palencia Pirates logo for Palencia Elementary School.

Q: What’s your business outlook for 2013?

We’re very excited about 2013. We’re growing our strategic partnership agreements with other design and marketing firms who need more advanced programming or development done and are continuing to build our regular client base as well.  We expect the online marketing and web development services to continue to be strong, and we’re seeing more growth in our App development, especially for Apple/iPhone.

Q: Why did you choose WGV to live/work?

We’ve lived and worked in the World Golf Village area for eight years. We have clients in both Jacksonville and St. Augustine, so being between both works really well for us. We love the easy access to 95 and the casual community atmosphere.  It’s a great community to raise a family.  My wife Claire and I appreciate being able to raise our four children, Hayden, Oliver, Lincoln, and Eva, in such a nurturing, safe and naturally beautiful area.



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