
Resident Spotlight: Michael Narace

Posted by: Cathy Eng in WGV Residents

Michael Narace has proven that a passion for helping people never really goes away.

After serving our country for 20 years as a U.S. Marine, he found a new path that enabled him to continue being an active community contributor, this time as a Realtor guiding clients through the home buying and selling process, as well as a resident of World Golf Village.

Says Michael, “I look forward to being an active part of the community and also helping fellow veterans with all of their real estate needs.” We recently caught up with Michael to learn more about him, his background, and the Narace family.

You’ve traveled and lived all around the world. What inspired you to make World Golf Village your family’s home?  I had the opportunity to compare many different neighborhoods. But, from the first time that I played the King & Bear and had a chance to visit the local schools, I decided it would be the perfect place to raise my kids, and build a life after the military.

What do you like most about living in World Golf Village?  Great, friendly people, and a small town feel.

Tell us a bit about your time in the service.  I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in November 1993. I was lucky enough to get stationed in Hawaii, Arizona, Virginia, North Carolina, and Japan. During that period I also spent time in San Diego, California, and Washington D.C.  I was also deployed to Kuwait and Iraq as part of Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom.

I retired from active duty in December 2013 at the rank of Master Sergeant. The military allows you to get a different perspective on life and serve your country in an unselfish way. You meet some truly amazing people and also build lifelong friends.

Today, you are a Davidson Realty agent. What interested you in real estate?  I was looking do something totally different from military service while still helping people. Plus, my Realtor Mirtha Bargaza at Davidson Realty recommended it. I bought my first house from Davidson and had a great experience.  

Tell us a bit about your family.  My wife Sofia – who is also a Marine – and I have a daughter, Lea, and a son, Alex. We also adopted a cat about four years ago named Bruzer.  

What do you like to do in your free time?  I play golf, shoot handguns, ride motorcycles, watch sports, and also spend a lot of time trying different foods and restaurants with my family. 


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