
Spring will be here before you know it! Take the time to do some spring cleaning projects around your home that will not only make you feel refreshed for the new season but add value to your home. It’s often surprising to homeowners how regular maintenance and cleaning can impact the impression of buyers. Whether you are interested in putting your home on the market in 2023 or not, it’s always recommended to stay on top of home projects! 

Yard Clean Up 

Spring cleaning projects include the exterior and can help make a great first impression of your home! Begin by cleaning your gutters so they are clear for those spring showers. Then remove any debris and fallen branches from your yard. Don’t forget about your lawn! Give it a fresh mow and address any issue areas with fertilizer or weed killer. Trim bushes, give walkways a sweep, and, if needed, replace any outdoor light bulbs.

Fresh Paint

Now that you’ve cleaned the exterior, it’s time to move indoors. Perhaps the most underestimated way to add value to your home is by applying a fresh coat of paint. A new color on the walls can bring a breath of fresh air to your space and completely change the mood of your home and make it feel more inviting. Blues, grays, greens, and whites are timeless and calming colors that allow your personality to shine through your interior design while staying versatile.  

Deep Clean

Perhaps the most obvious spring cleaning task is deep cleaning your home, but what might not be so obvious is how much the project can impact the health of your property. In each room, gather all the cleaning supplies you will need to completely clean it. Start from the top, work your way down, and move in a circle around the room. In addition to having a clean home at the end, you’ll have a clear idea of any other repairs or updates that need to be made throughout your home. 

Organize the Garage

Raise your hand if your garage is home to all the things that you own that are homeless! You’re not alone. It’s easy for things to accumulate, especially when you’ve spent years in your home. Remove all items from the garage and place belongings into categories. Once that is complete, sort through each grouping and eliminate anything you no longer need. While everything is out of your garage, give it a good sweep and clean up any spills before organizing the things you are keeping back in the garage. 

Step into the new season with a clean home, inside and out! It will bring out the best your space has to offer.

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Spring has sprung which means it’s time for Spring Cleaning! Give your home the refresh it deserves. These four projects are easy, affordable ways to sustain, and even add value to your home.

  1. Landscaping

Updating your landscape is a classic spring project. Whether you need to start from scratch or do some light trimming and clean-up, putting effort into your greenscape will make a huge difference in the appearance of your home. Now is also a great time to consider outdoor lighting for entertaining spaces so you can enjoy them to the fullest.

  1. Windows

Interior windows typically get cleaned throughout the year, but exterior window cleaning often gets neglected. On a cloudy day, grab your cleaning supplies, a ladder, and a buddy and get to work. Your streak and dirt-free windows will leave your home sparkling and allow more natural light to flow into your home.

  1. Paint

Elevate your space with a fresh coat of paint. Light and airy colors can help make your home feel larger, while darker and earthy tones provide a memorable and moody vibe for your space. Your home tells your story and updating your paint colors can help complete your interior design narrative.

  1. Detail Updates

Out with the old and in with the new is easier said than done, however, there are some small projects that will help make your space feel brand new. Swapping cabinet hardware is a simple and inexpensive way to update your kitchen or bathroom. If you’re feeling ambitious, build a fire pit to create a space outdoors to make memories. Small changes can make a big difference! 

The hardest part of spring cleaning is starting! Get inspired and start your next home project to truly bring out the best your space has to offer.

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Spring cleaning is often a daunting exercise and can stretch out for days and weeks, even a month or two. But completing a thorough spring cleaning within one weekend is absolutely achievable. Here is a day-by-day guide courtesy of Davidson Realty.

FRIDAY: Declutter day

Utilize day one to eliminate clutter throughout your house. Take an empty laundry basket and move room to room collecting anything that is not in its assigned “home.” This includes clothes, old mail, books and magazines, papers, toys, shoes, etc. It is all too easy to amass these items throughout the year in corners and on bookshelves.

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