
Resident Spotlight: The Thompson Family

Posted by: Cathy Eng in WGV Residents

We always enjoy getting to know our World Golf Village neighbors, and with so many incoming residents, we get new folks to meet all the time! And it was a special pleasure to meet Erica and Clayton Thompson.

The family of six (with another on the way) recently moved to the Murabella neighborhood. Erica recently found time to fit us into her (very) busy schedule and introduce us to her family.

Where did you move from?  We moved here all the way from Jacksonville.

Where are you and Clayton from originally?  Both of our families relocated to the Jacksonville area when we were younger, mine from Kentucky and Clayton’s from Virginia.

What made you choose Murabella?  Amy Anderson worked tirelessly to help us find a place that would fit us and our desires. When she showed us Murabella we were instantly in love with the neighborhood! The lots were a great size, the location was close to the grocery and shops, and we knew the instant we walked into the house, we were home!

What do you like most about living in the World Golf Village area?  There are several things we love about the area. The community and the people are probably our favorite, very friendly, and hospitable. The World Golf Village area also is close in proximity to St Augustine, the beaches, and I-95. So, the ability to travel or commute is relatively easy and fast. Lastly, the area is still developing and opening restaurants, shops and building more neighborhoods and we have enjoyed being a part of the growth.

What do you and Clayton like to do in your free time?  With four children ages 6 and under, we don’t have a whole lot of free time. But we do enjoy exercising and doing activities with the whole family.

Tell us about your family.  Clayton and I met in high school and have been together ever since. We’ve been married almost 13 years. We are a large family, by today’s standard. We have 4 children and another one on the way, a blessing for sure! Our boys are Braddock (age 6) and Beckham (age 5) and we have a set of twin girls, Arianna and Alayna, that are almost 2. Completing our family, we have a Staffordshire terrier who always adds herself into anything we do.

Tell us a little about your professional background.  Clayton is serving in the Florida Air National Guard and is currently operating as the Commander for the Maintenance Operations Flight.  I worked in retail management until we had our first son and now currently do marketing and advertising for Classy CrossRoads Boutique . I also stay at home with our little team and take managing/teaching to a whole new level with homeschooling.

What is your favorite vacation spot you have ever visited?  For us parents it would be the Bahamas, any island, any time of year! With the kids, it would be Legoland. The theme park and hotel offered something for every age group and we made some great memories!

What was the last movie you saw?  I think the last movie we saw was Central Intelligence and it was hilarious! Definitely would recommend it!

What is your favorite mantra?  “It’s not a big deal.” In this season of life with all of the kids being so young things don’t always go as planned, someone might be sick, someone needs a nap, etc. We must adapt and refocus. At the end of the day most problems, in the right perspective, are not as big of an issue as we make them. We try to remind ourselves of that and adjust our focus and change perspective.

 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world”  John 16:33


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