
Wanted In White – Clean Not Cluttered

Posted by: Rick Pariani in Tips

In my last installment, as a current home seller, I shared a personal lesson-learned. I summarized the lesson into the simple observation – “listen to the market – don’t doubt the Buyer – understand their preferences”.

The longer one’s home remains on the market – the more lessons flood in. You don’t always have to personally live the lesson to benefit from it. When you seek the right counsel – your path and progress can be secured.

We all like to learn on our own terms. We are surrounded and infused with opinions – whether requested or not. They can be offered in an educated way – or from personal experience – or as a co-opted good idea picked up along the way. Sifting through the differences and merits can be daunting. It can be easier to “do-it-yourself”. As Mark Twain espoused, “A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval”.

When it comes to selling your home, however, you will be far better served by the educated, been-there-done-that, experience of a professional Real Estate Agent. If they tell you that a style and Buyer preference is trending – pay attention and embrace it. Remember all those ‘50’s era bathrooms from your friends and families? There was a reason that they were all pink, rose, pale yellow and subway-styled.

Selling your home can be analogous to selling a vintage sports car. Both are “used” as far as the market says. You may harbor fond memories of ownership with a lofty sense of value, but it may not translate directly to a Buyer. With the car – you may have to re-paint it “resale red” and remove any personalization’s and custom doo-dads.. With your home – you may have to re-paint it in today’s trending re-sale colors of “wonderful white” and “gorgeous gray” and de-clutter* with abandon.

Of course, everyone has their own preferences and choosing one color – or style – over another is a totally subjective thing. You will find that some Buyers want originality over convention – while others seek convention for their own peace-of-mind, thinking it will serve them well when they decide to sell.

When you partner with a Davidson Realty Real Estate Agent – whether you are buying or selling – you will get the very best counsel that supports your preferences and goals.. Their counsel will address the full spectrum. They will be able to illuminate what to look for as a Buyer and what to tend to as a Seller. Your Davidson Agent will provide insightful counsel and skillful negotiation – to get you successfully to your Closing.

*Yes, Virginia – your collections, photos, books, knick-knacks, memorabilia and even your “style” – no matter how refined – is usually just clutter to a Buyer. Sellers want their best attributes to be seen – and all a Buyer wants to do is see (those attributes). Your Davidson Agent sees both sides of that dynamic – which is why they succeed no matter whether they are helping you sell or guiding you to purchase.


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