As previously indicated, there were 1,300 acres of land that had been included in the project approval process, but not acquired by the investors. Since almost 100% of the property to be acquired was adjoining the proposed interchange, the land acquisitions required for development also included  acreage to construct the new interchange. A clover-leaf design interchange needs approximately 100 acres to be constructed and would encompass 80± acres upon completion. Once the ownerships were determined and title issues identified, the acquisition effort began. All of the land owners were well aware of the “increased” value of their property as permitted. It is clearly an understatement to say that it was unfortunate that the land was not put under contract prior to being permitted. Previously discussed verbal understandings of value didn’t mean much once the permits were issued. As such, the negotiations were extremely difficult. Fortunately many of the landowners had substantial additional acreage in proximity to the required acquisition acreage. Therefore, it was clearly in their best interest to see the project built for their future land values. Acreage acquisitions were as small as 7.1 acres up to over 1,000 acres.

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