
10 Rules of Home Staging

Posted by: Donna Mancini in Tips

50273_154241524608194_1000_nAre you aware that a potential buyer typically knows within 15 seconds if he or she is interested in a home?  Did you know that recent studies show that over 90% of potential buyers begin their home search on the internet?  

Presentation is everything!  Staging is simply emphasizing your home’s best features so that it will stand out from the competition and allows buyers to connect emotionally and visualize themselves living there.  For those of you that are considering putting your home on the market in the near future, here are some things to get you started:

CleaningClipArt1.  Consider Curb Appeal – Potential buyers need to fall in love with your home from the street.  Power wash walkways and roofs, trim bushes, remove weeds, plant flowers, replace dated or rusted light fixtures . . . make a good first impression.
2. Clean, Clean, Clean – I cannot emphasize enough the importance of a clean, fresh smelling home.  Don’t forget rugs, closets, cabinets and garages.  Buyers are buying the entire home, so they will look there.
3. De-Clutter – Get rid of absolutely everything that is not necessary and anything that prevents a buyer from seeing your homes’ beautiful features or how the space is really meant to be used.
4. De-Personalize – As much as you love your family photos, awards and religious artifacts, buyers will have a difficult time visualizing themselves living in the home.  Pack them away now and get a jump on what you will have to do anyway when your home sells.

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