
imagesCAI0SE3VConsidering that 1/3 of Americans take some kind of supplement, it is pretty scary to learn that the supplement industry in our country is not regulated…AT ALL.  With no safety measures in place, the old saying “It may not help me but at least it won’t hurt me” really goes flying out the window.  This means that it is really important to understand thoroughly what you are putting into your body.

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Eat-Stop-Eat-healthy-eatingSummer is a family time full of travel and adventure.  However, it can also mean at time of too much “vacation eating”.  Of course that sounds great in the short run, but in the long run it can lead to summer colds and weight gain. So how can we keep our families feeling tip top this summer?

Well, to start with it is important to recognize that eating healthy keeps us feeling good and helps us to maintain a healthy weight.  Healthy eating includes eliminating as much junk food, fast food and processed food as possible since these foods weaken our immune system.  Additionally, if we look at the foundation of healthy eating we find fruits and veggies which actually improve our immune function. Unfortunately these are often the hardest to get into our families diets on a consistent basis.  If this is your challenge….never fear!  Below there are ten tips for getting your family to eat more of these immune boosters every day!

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